Defense Department Awards Unique Asbestos Destruction Project To A-Conversion, LLC
$1.27 Million Sole-Source Contract Will Employ ABCOV Method
NEW YORK – A-Conversion, LLC, a privately-held New York firm, was given a Department of Defense contract to construct a transportable, modular, asbestos conversion system for field deployment at its installations using the ABCOV Method to destroy its asbestos.
The sole-source $1.27 million contract, awarded by the Pentagon’s Contracting Command of Excellence, will employ the patented ABCOV Method, a non-thermal, Environmental Protection Agency approved, mechanical-chemical asbestos conversion process, developed by Tony Nocito.
“The ABCOV method is an extremely reliable process that has the potential to save taxpayers millions of dollars in future asbestos liabilities,” says Nocito. “The development of this transportable, modular asbestos conversion system by the Department of Defense will eliminate the potential danger and costs of transporting asbestos containing materials through their installation’s neighborhoods and eliminate the Government’s landfill liability,” Nocito adds.
The ABCOV™ Method has been employed in small-scale operations at fixed locations: Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the US Air Force at Griffiss Air Force Base, New York, Con Edison and Madison Square Garden, New York City, as well as various demonstration projects, including the Department of Energy where the savings in destroying radioactive asbestos-containing material (ACM) provides volume reduction and disposal costs.
Since the 1970’s the EPA has determined that asbestos and asbestos containing material are hazardous to humans and has banned its use in building materials and other products. Over time exposure to airborne asbestos fibers may cause asbestos related diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. Asbestos related liabilities associated with exposure and land fill storage are indefinite – the costs of these liabilities will inevitably rest with the taxpayer.
Source: A-Conversion, LLC Contact: Tony Nocito, Phone: 212-571-9125, Email: